Priority skips queue and teams form faster.
We have three tiers of queue priority:
Regular ⭐ – Regular queue all roles to LvL 5 order will be done in 3 sessions. You’ll get added to the bottom of the queue, just like at a bank or burger place. Ranks will ping you once it’s your turn.
-6hr cooldown between sessions.
***Regular queue wait time until leech starts may vary from hours to days depending on queue length.
Low priority ⭐⭐– skips regular queue customers and teams will form MUCH faster. 3hr cooldown between sessions unless you’re the only priority leech the on queue.
***Priority queue wait time on average is minutes to hours.
High priority ⭐⭐⭐– teams form near INSTANT. No cooldowns or breaks during the leech for runners and regardless of order size, we will always run you as #1 on the queue.
***High priority wait time is on average 5-15 minutes after confirming an order.
Whats the wait time for my order?
We use a queue system!
To skip the regular queue you’ll have to order with Priority price! The wait time depends on:
Rank availability – We also play RuneScape normally! If you give us time frame when and how long you’ll be online, we can schedule your torso better!
Date and time – Workdays around 10:00 UTC is “dead hours” and every Sunday 19:00 UTC there are BA events. This means that the majority of ranks are less likely active with running orders during those times.
Queue length – Can check public queue length here. 1 torso = 1 hr Unless its a priority, every customer is limited to 1-hour sessions max on queue.
Regular wait time: ~up to days
Priority wait time: ~up to hours
High Priority wait time: ~5min (most time will be spent on ranks arguing who plays what role) To see queue check out our discord #public-queue
The safest way to get Penance Fighter Torso for Hardcore Group Ironman!
Leeching BA is undeniably the safest way to ensure Fighter Torso on your ironman without risking death, but we need to address something.
Hardcore Group Ironmen are not safe in Barbarian Assault! We are the first clan to run Hardcore Group ironman fighter torso and have zero customers lost their HC GIM status in BA.
However, IF you die in Barbarian assault, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR GROUP HARDCORE LIFE! SO for your safety, we recommend gaining at least 30hp levels and equip mithril tier or better armor while standing on the west cannon safe spot on all waves.
LBA ranks are not responsible for customers’ death if they do not follow ranks instructions or haven’t fulfilled minimum requirements for leeching as Group HCIM. Feel free to ask any questions about leeching in discord #customer-chat.
We sincerely hope this cleared out any confusion on the subject.

What makes up the prices?
Why are the barbarian assault services prices so high?
In this paragraph, we will explain the main reasons why the prices are the way they are right now.
Firstly, you’ll be purchasing the time and skill of 4 high level players, who have spent many months getting to their skill level. A lot of them have dedicated so much time into playing Barbarian Assault that they even obtained Penance Queen pet along the way. Our rank requirements are high and we have been holding world records for fastest runs for years. Our ranks could be doing other PVM activities such as Vorkath, Chambers of Xeric or Theatre of Blood, but are here to assist YOU while you’ll be AFK the entire leech!
Secondly, all the rewards that Commander Connad offers in the Barbarian Assault reward shop are untradeable, with the exception of Granite Body, but you will not complete Kandarin Hard diary by purchasing it from Grand Exchange! Obviously Bandos Chestplate is a direct upgrade from Fighter Torso that you may buy from other players, but it would be insane to risk it in PvP scenarios. Most likely an ironman will not be obtaining BCP until reaching base 90 combat stats and enough supplies. Also Penance Fighter Torso is master clue step for Falo the Bard.
Thirdly, and most importantly, it is just simply supply and demand. If we’d lower prices we would not be able to clear our queue in an acceptable timeframe and customer wait time would skyrocket. The clan has been around a long, long time and with Old School Bonds prices raising almost triple times in the course of past 10 years, it was just inevitable our prices had to go up also.